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DIGITABILITY for physical impairments
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Brief repository of online tools for the development of accessible materials

Logo Easy-to-Read European standards to facilitate reading and understanding https://easy-to-read.eu/wpcontent/uploads/2023/01/EN_Information_for_all.pdf
Logo RoboBraille.org This page allows you to translate a Word document to speech (audio) https://www.robobraille.org/
Logo TalkTyper To go from speech to text on the computer https://talktyper.com/en/index.html
Logo PowerTalk PowerTalk 1.2.14 is speech-enabled software for PowerPoint presentations; it’s free and automatically speaks any presentation or slideshow. It runs in Microsoft PowerPoint for Windows. https://prevenirlaceguera.blogspot.com/2010/09/powerpoint-ahora-accesible-muy-bueno.html
Logo Virtual keyboard Virtual keyboard http://robotica.udl.cat/catedra/virtualkeyboard/version10/vir tualkeyboard1.html
Logo Subly Automatic video captioning https://www.getsubly.com/
Logo Ticne Catalog of ICT solutions for students with NEAE http://www.ticne.es/index.php?lang=en
Logo EBU How to generate information accessible to all people https://www.euroblind.org/publications-andresources/making-information-accessible-all Interesting blog for the resources and programs it offers. http://projectefressa.blogspot.com/
Logo Microsoft Accessibility by disability: Find products and tools based on your needs: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/accessibility
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